Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Atlanta Frugal Living

Check out my new adventure!!!  Atlanta Frugal Living => local coupons

Friday, September 30, 2011

Grieving Over The Loss Of A Child

Gwinnett County has experienced the loss of three children in the past two weeks.  Two young men who recently graduated from Collins Hill High School and one toddler from Grayson.  I can only imagine the pain these families are feeling.  My heart goes out to the families.  How do you deal with the loss of a child?

Monday, April 25, 2011

CRCT testing, who should help your child prepare?

So today was the first day of CRCT testing.  My children pulled out their study guides last night.  I was in total shock, I didn't have to ask them to do it!  One of my kiddos has a bit of test anxiety, but made it through today's test just fine.  Did you prepare your children for the testing or did you rely on the teacher's to get them ready?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Favorite kid show theme songs

This is going to be hard.  Here is a list of my favorite kid show theme songs (not in any particular order):
  1. Bubble Guppies Video
  2. Calliou  Video
  3. Little Einsteins Video
  4. Team Umizoomi Video 
  5. Super WHY! Video
What's your favorite kid shows?

    Tuesday, March 15, 2011

    Do you shop consignment for your children?

    What are the benefits of shopping consignment stores?  What are some of your favorite consignment shops or consignment sales?
    Laura says: Buying used clothes is the best because kids grow so fast that by buying used you get more use of your money. Plus you're doing one of the three R's , ReUse!!
    Lauren says: Buying used you get double the amount for the same price or less! Plus they grow so fast and my dd can ruin an outfit in a day!
    Lauren S says: Kids go through things so quickly - clothes, toys, everything. Buying used items saves money and allows you to get more of the things that you want/need

    Monday, March 14, 2011

    Should there be a limit on how many children you can have?

    At what point should someone step in and cap the number of children you can have?  Is America overpopulated?  Should you have to have a license to parent?
    Josh Duggar, the eldest child of the Duggar clan, and his wife, Anna, are expecting their second child this summer.  To me the Duggar family has way too many children.  My fear is that the children are getting neglected.  I don't think it's fair the older children have to take care of the younger children.  They are robbing the older children of their childhood.  I just don't see how the mom and dad can give each of those children enough time and attention.  What do you think?

    Thursday, March 10, 2011

    Are american children eating too much?

    Do you think children are overeating?  Where do eating habits come from? 
    Kids learn a lot by example. If they see mom and dad making good food choices, then they are more likely to make those same choices. I love sweets, but it's all about moderation. It has come down to talking to my children about food, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle. Hopefully giving them a good foundation will lead to them making healthy choices when I am not around!  What are you doing to improve your kids eating habits?